Dragon Ship The first thing we see is the Dragon Ship. Here all the characters have become “what and who they want to be”. They have become their best selves. They have become their dream. There is a Dancing Bear, Rainbow Dolphin, Oh La La the Giraffe, Brigadier Lion, Plaid Pussycat, Baby Panda, Seeing Eye Butterfly, Freddy the Frog, Eagle Child, Half Past Seven the Beaver and a Dancing Flamingo.They are on the ship celebrating.

Unique Self – Think of what your favourite animal, bird, plants is an you draw your self as your “Unique Self”. Be imaginative and let your Inner Child speak to you.
Inner Child Mountain The first place we visit is the “Inner Child” Mountain where Flutter Flump the elephant live . It is made of cotton balls and some people call it the Marshmallow Mountain. Flutter Flump floats up all day and rolls down.

Where would your” Inner Child Unique Self” live?
Story Map. Draw your own story map. Draw on your map real or imaginary trees. Draw in your own real or imaginary body of water – an ocean, lake, pond, stream or river. Think of different mountains or some unusual houses.

Create your own “Inner Child – Unique Self” Book.
Make a map where your “Inner Child – Unique Self” would live.
Make a short but good story. Solve an everyday problem creatively. e.g loneliness, bullying, anger. Divide into eight parts.
Make illustrations for eight parts of your story.
After finishing put the eight pictures beside the story – could be pages side by side.
Do a title page, Dedication page & Author page
Make a cover with heavier paper- include your favourite art and title
Now you can share your “Unique Self” story with many people in the world.